Monday, May 31, 2010

Lest We Forget

All Gave Some ~ Some Gave All

Those who did give ALL are the heroes we are to honor and memorialize this Memorial Day. Veteran's Day coming in October will be to celebrate all veterans, past and present, certainly including those who serve now. But giving ALL means those men and women who have fallen while giving service to our country - our honored Dead. In 1868 it was initiated and was called Decoration Day - a special day to pay tribute to our patriots by decorating their graves with flowers, wreaths, and flags. I read yesterday that in Arlington Cemetery, Washington, D.C, that 1500 servicemen from all branches of our military, spent three hours placing U.S. flags on the 300,000 graves at that location. I know you've seen pictures of Arlington with row after row after row of those white crosses and spotted here and there the Star of David also. I believe also it is where the Unknown Soldier's grave is located where our President places the wreath on his grave as a representative of all Americans.
As I write this, I'm feeling so touched and overwhelmed really, that each American buried in some grave in our land and other lands, died fighting for freedom. Each of their lives mattered. Truly mattered. They each had hopes, dreams, feelings. They each were born of a mother, loved and mourned by a family and friends.
They gave ALL --- All of their tomorrows,
So that we could have our Todays --
Living in Freedom....
Now that sure humbles me - as I live in my little life - aggravated by small problems, depressed by large losses, giving in tiny gestures, but not giving much - certainly not All. The very least I can do is to write this to remind myself and others that these Fallen Americans thought we and our freedom and way of life were Worth It. Oh my goodness. Lord, it's so overwhelming. I know each of their lives meant something to You too. They must have believed that You died to make Men holy and they died to make Men free.
God, Family, Country, Freedom, Duty and their Sacred Honor -
And their precious blood, poured out for America's Freedom.
Surely our sacred duty is to acknowledge their sacrifices, honor their lives and appreciate what they were willing to give for us. If not today (tonight), then surely tomorrow.
I pray their lives and deaths will never be wasted. Thank you dear, generous countrymen. Thank you for this overwhelming gift.
God, please continue to Bless America,
Home of the Free
Because of the Brave...

Cynthia K.